Our Highlights

Alfred de Zayas
50 Theses on the Expulsion of the Germans from Central and Eastern Europe 1944-1948
72 pages, with 16 pictures and maps
ISBN 978-3-9812110-4-7

The displacement of more than 14 million Germans from Central and Eastern Europe during the years 1944-48 has consequences until today. And yet, it has been almost taboo for more than 65 years. These 50 Theses fill this gap by laying down the facts and explaining the main historical and international law implications.

Tooth Orthopaedia

Book series by Martin vom Brocke

  • Dentofacial Diagnostics
  • The Norma Classification for Mandible Size
  • Scientific Basis of the Structural Gravitation Theory
  • Struction
  • Tooth Orthopaedia

True Keeper of the Holy Flame – The Legacy of Pentagon Strategist and Mentor Dr Fritz Kraemer

Hubertus Hoffmann 
True Keeper of the Holy Flame – The Legacy of Pentagon Strategist and Mentor Dr Fritz Kraemer
October 2012
Paperback, 384 pages
ISBN 978-3-9812110-5-4
€ 19.90

Read about the fascinating life and thinking of Pentagon Strategist
Dr Fritz G. A. Kraemer. More here and here (Facebook) about this fascinating book.

Konrad Badenheuer
The Sudeten Germans – an Ethnic Group in Europe (4th edition 2021)
4th edition 2021
Softcover in A 4 format (21.0 x 29.7 cm), 148 pages with about 400 illustrations, in German
ISBN 978-3-945127-339
19,90 €

Many do not even know that they ever existed: Almost 3.5 million German speakers lived until 1918 on the territory of today’s Czech Republic, in the border region of Bohemia and Moravia, but many also in the interior, for example in Prague, whose inner city had been German-speaking since the high Middle Ages.

Wolfram Euler: „Das Westgermanische – von der Herausbildung im 3. bis zur Aufgliederung im 7. Jahrhundert – Analyse und Rekonstruktion“

Wolfram Euler
West Germanic – from the Formation in the 3rd to the Breakup in the 7th Century – Analysis and Reconstruction.
Expanded and improved 2nd edition 2022
Hardcover format 23.3 x 16.4 cm, 268 pages with 5 illustrations and maps, in German
ISBN 978-3-945127-414
49,00 €

With the first edition of this book, the Munich linguist Wolfram Euler has presented in 2013 the first complete account of the West Germanic language. It was – with regional variants and changes over time – the language of the Germanic peoples who lived north and east of the Roman Limes in the third to fifth centuries. It was thus also the language of the Angles and Saxons who settled previously Celtic-Roman Britain in the 5th century and thus first gave rise to England, and it was the language of Frankish Merovingians.

Wolfram Euler and Konrad Badenheuer
Language and Origin of the Germanic Peoples – Reconstruction of Early Germanic before the First Sound Shift (November 2021)
2nd edition 2021
Hardcover, size 16.4 x 23.2 cm, 372 pages, in German
ISBN 978-3-945127-278
Resellers receive a discount, review copies are free of charge.
89,00 €

Experts were astonished when the Munich linguist Wolfram Euler presented the first complete account of this oldest Germanic language of the Bronze and Iron Ages in 2009 with his book “Sprache und Herkunft der Germanen” (Language and Origin of the Germanic Peoples): “This work, which breaks new ground, is based on profound knowledge of the linguistic material and the scientific literature. It is of fundamental importance for the further study of Germanic,” said the prominent ancient Germanist Alfred Bammesberger in praise of this book.

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